
IP level ASIC Verifier в Минске

Requirements and responsibilities:
Proficient with verification using UVM methodology
Strong collaborative skills with System Architects and Integration teams
Proficient in verification planning, reporting and driving verification closure. Must understand how a verification project works, from start to finish
Experience with IP level and system level verification
Strong team player
Excellent communication skills, both written and oral English
Experience with UNIX and/or Linux
At least 7 years in ASIC/FPGA industry
Strong work ethics

Тип объявления:
Сниму, арендую

Информация о компании, которая разместила объявление:

We have long experience from recruiting engineers and specialists globally. When You join us from abroad we have an established process for the entire transfer to Sweden. We aid and guide our employees in the relocation process to Sweden, all the way from handling Your work permit application to “where to catch the bus” as one of our employees put it. All will be arranged for You, so that You can focus 100% on Your new job and getting to know Sweden.

Действия с объявлением #1706454

Поделитесь с друзьями и знакомыми

Поделитесь объявлением IP level ASIC Verifier с друзьями, знакомыми, потенциальными клиентами, используйте для этого социальные сети, мессенджеры. Это придаст объявлению популярности и эффект многократно повысится.

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